Note: This file should be viewed with character map ISO-8859-1 (Latin1, Western). Using array structures in LaTeX: The package 'forarray' Version 1.01 (2008/06/20) Abstract: The package 'forarray' provides functionality for processing lists and array structures in LaTeX. Arrays can contain characters as well as TeX and LaTeX commands, nesting of arrays is possible, and arrays are processed within the same brace level as their surrounding environment. Array levels can be delimited by characters or control sequences defined by the user. Practical uses of this package include data management, construction of lists and tables, and calculations based on the contents of lists and arrays. Copyright: The package 'forarray' is (c) 2008 by Christian Schröppel, and distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), version 1.3c. Content: The package 'forarray' consists of the master file 'forarray.dtm', the file 'README.txt', and the derived files 'forarray.dtx', 'forarray.sty', 'forarray.pdf', 'forarray-test.tex', and 'forarray-test.pdf'. Installation: In order to use the package, you need to save the file 'forarray.sty' to a directory where your LaTeX installation will find it. This will often be <your local texmf directory>/tex/latex/forarray. Please consult the manuals for your LaTeX system for further information. In many cases, it will be possible to use a package manager provided with your LaTeX system to install the package. Documentation: The file 'forarray.pdf' contains the documentation for the package 'forarray'. The file 'README.txt' contains some basic information about the package. The file 'forarray-test.tex' can be used to obtain a test page for the package. You can run this file with your LaTeX installation and compare the result with the file 'forarray-test.pdf' to check if everything works well. DTM File: You can obtain the files 'forarray.dtx', 'forarray.sty', 'forarray.pdf', 'forarray-test.tex', and 'forarray-test.pdf', as well as 'README.txt' by placing the files 'forarray.dtm', 'forarray.dts' and the Bourne shell script 'forarray' in a single directory and typing in forarray at the command prompt (after cd <your empty directory>). The installation script 'forarray' and the documentation style file 'forarray.dts' are not part of the package 'forarray'. Please note, however, that the provisions in the section "No warranty" of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), version 1.3c, exempting the author and other parties from liability with regard to the work, apply to the contents of the package as well as to these files.