|                        TEXT1 \footnotestyle  COMMAND                        |
The  \footnotestyle    command  is   always  used   in  conjunction   with  the
\footnoteformat  (\fnf) command,  and  will set  the  numbering  style for  the
footnotes.  The format for the \footnotestyle  command is:                     
Where "xx" is one of four possible values:                                     
   1  which gives numbered footnotes 1, 2, 3, etc.                             
  (1) which gives numbered footnotes included in parentheses (1), (2)          
   a  which gives lettered footnotes a, b, c, etc.                             
  (a) which gives lettered footnotes enclosed in parentheses (a), (b)          
The \footnotestyle default is \footnotestyle{(1)}